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Get Rid of Your Spider Veins This Year With Sclerotherapy

Get Rid of Your Spider Veins This Year With Sclerotherapy

Spider veins are smaller versions of varicose veins that can develop on any part of your body but are most common on the legs. Having spider veins can make you feel self-conscious about the appearance of your legs to the extent that you avoid wearing clothing like shorts, skirts, and dresses as a result. Fortunately, there is an effective way to remove spider veins and restore the appearance of your legs.

At Advanced Heart and Vascular Associates, Nader Chadda, MD, specializes in vascular intervention and provides treatment options for varicose and spider veins. In this post you’ll learn how sclerotherapy eliminates spider veins.

What is Sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure that treats spider veins. In fact, it’s considered the treatment of choice for small varicose veins.

There’s no anesthesia required for this in-office procedure. It’s a quick procedure that takes 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the number of and extent of your spider veins. To perform the procedure, Dr. Chadda uses a fine needle to inject a medical solution called a sclerosant directly into the bad vein.

The sclerosant causes the treated vein to close. The body then reroutes blood to healthier veins and reabsorbs the damaged vein.

After sclerotherapy, the spider veins fade away, and once they do, the treated veins are gone for good. Treating spider veins not only improves the cosmetic appearance of your legs, but also relieves associated symptoms, including aching, burning, and swelling.

Preparing for sclerotherapy

Prior to the procedure, Dr. Chadda will perform a comprehensive exam and go over your medical history. It’s important to discuss habits like smoking and tell the doctor about any allergies you may have, as well as any current medications or supplements you’re taking.

It’s generally recommended that you avoid shaving or applying lotion to your legs within 24 hours of the procedure. Dr. Chadda will provide specific instructions, and it’s important to follow any pre- or post-procedure instructions carefully.

After Sclerotherapy treatment

You can expect to be up and walking within a few minutes of your procedure. To lower the risk of blood clots, it’s necessary to move your legs. However, it’s required that you avoid aerobic exercise for a few days after your treatment. Additionally, you must avoid sun exposure on the treated areas to reduce the risk of complications such as dark spots.

You can expect to wear compression stockings or bandages for up to three weeks after sclerotherapy. Some mild discomfort and redness at the injection sites is normal and will resolve in several days or weeks.

Sclerotherapy results?

It takes the body some time to reabsorb the treated blood vessels. It’s common to notice results in three to six weeks. While the treated veins are gone permanently, it is possible to develop new spider veins. If this happens, the procedure can be repeated to keep your legs clear.

Eliminate spider veins today

Thanks to treatments such as sclerotherapy, it’s possible to say goodbye to spider veins and hello to smooth, clear skin. To start your spider vein elimination journey, take the first step by calling our Hudson, Brooksville, or Land O’ Lakes, Florida office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Chadda. Another option is to book online. We offer in-person and telehealth appointments to meet all of your cardiovascular needs. 

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