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My Mom Has Varicose Veins. Will I Get Them, Too?

My Mom Has Varicose Veins. Will I Get Them, Too?

Varicose veins, those unsightly and often painful bulges, are a concern for many, especially if they run in the family. If your mom has them, you may be wondering if they’re in your future. While genetics play a role, your genes aren’t the only factor.

At Advanced Heart and Vascular Associates, we've assisted countless individuals in understanding and managing varicose veins. Here's what you need to know about the genetic connection, risk factors, and what you can do to prevent or manage them.

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are more than a cosmetic issue. They’re enlarged, twisted veins that can cause aching, discomfort, and even skin changes. When the valves inside the veins become weak, blood can pool, leading to these distinctive bulges.

Understanding varicose veins is essential. The veins in our legs pump blood back to the heart, but if the valves that prevent backflow weaken, blood can accumulate, causing the veins to enlarge and twist.

At our practice, we recognize that varicose veins can be a complex issue affecting the quality of life. Our team at Advanced Heart and Vascular Associates is skilled at diagnosing and treating this condition, using methods ranging from conservative management to surgical intervention.

The genetic connection

While genetics can increase the risk of developing varicose veins, it's not a surefire guarantee. If your mother has them, you might be at higher risk, but other factors combined with genetics contribute to this condition.

Understanding your family history helps, but with the right care and lifestyle, it's possible to minimize or even prevent varicose veins. Genetic factors are just one piece of the puzzle, and a comprehensive evaluation can provide individualized insight.

Other risk factors

Apart from genetics, several factors can contribute to varicose veins:

Knowing and managing these risks, through exercise and weight management, can lead to better prevention, especially if monitored regularly by a professional like our team at Advanced Heart and Vascular Associates.

Prevention is key

The role of lifestyle in preventing varicose veins cannot be overstated. Healthy habits like regular exercise, maintaining an ideal weight, avoiding prolonged standing or sitting, and wearing proper footwear can make a significant difference.

At Advanced Heart and Vascular Associates, we focus on tailored prevention strategies, offering guidance on diet, physical activities, and even appropriate clothing that can significantly mitigate the risk.

Treatment options at Advanced Heart and Vascular Associates

Treatment for varicose veins has come a long way. From lifestyle changes to cutting-edge treatments like laser therapy, our practice offers comprehensive care tailored to your unique needs. We provide the latest and most effective solutions. Here's a look at two of our most effective treatments. 


This minimally invasive procedure treats varicose veins by using controlled heat through a catheter. The heat causes the veins to collapse and seal. The procedure is quick, requires no general anesthesia, and recovery is typically fast, with minimal discomfort. ClosureFast is an excellent option for those looking to address their varicose veins without extensive surgery.


VenaSeal is another innovative, minimally invasive treatment. It involves the use of a medical adhesive to close the affected veins. The process is gentle, usually requiring only local anesthesia, and leaves virtually no scars. 

VenaSeal's advantage lies in its immediate effect and reduced recovery time, allowing many patients to resume normal activities shortly after the procedure.

Our approach focuses on a comprehensive evaluation, after which we develop a customized treatment plan to meet your specific condition and preferences. 

Myths and misconceptions

It's essential to debunk myths about varicose veins. Even young people can develop them if risk factors are present. Understanding the facts enables better decision-making regarding prevention and treatment. Being well-informed, with the support of a specialized practice like Advanced Heart and Vascular Associates, can guide you in the right direction.

Having a mother with varicose veins doesn't seal your fate. Through awareness, prevention, and expert care at Advanced Heart and Vascular Associates, you can take control of your vascular health. 

Call one of our offices to schedule a varicose vein consultation. We have offices in Hudson, Land O’ Lakes, and Brooksville, Florida. We also offer online booking requests. Trust in our experienced team to guide you every step of the way.

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