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What Can I Expect During a Vascular Ultrasound?

What Can I Expect During a Vascular Ultrasound?

A vascular ultrasound is a noninvasive test to check the arteries and veins in your body. This test can help detect abnormalities, such as narrowing or blockages of the blood vessels. Vascular ultrasound allows your provider to evaluate blood vessels in nearly any part of your body. No needles, anesthesia, or advance preparation are required.

At Advanced Heart and Vascular Associates, cardiologist Nader Chadda, MD, specializes in diagnosing and treating problems that affect your blood vessels. Dr. Chadda uses vascular ultrasound to diagnose the cause of your symptoms and determine the best course of action to treat any existing problems and improve your vascular health. Keep reading to learn more about what you can expect if you’re scheduled for a vascular ultrasound.

Purpose of a vascular ultrasound

Ultrasound imaging is a useful tool that allows a provider to view internal organs and blood vessels using high-frequency sound waves. Vascular ultrasound uses a small probe called a transducer that transmits sound waves through your body. The probe collects the sounds that bounce back and generates an image for your provider to view. 

The sound waves are harmless and do not use radiation. If you have symptoms of artery blockage or your provider suspects problems with your blood vessels, a vascular ultrasound can show the blood flowing through your blood vessels. 

What to expect during a vascular ultrasound

A vascular ultrasound is a painless, straightforward imaging test. An ultrasound tech ensures that you remain comfortable throughout your exam. Gel is applied to the transducer, which is then applied to the target area on your body. 

Painless, high-frequency sound waves are transmitted through your body. Transducers pick up the sound that bounces back and generate an image. Once all of the images are collected, they’re sent to a radiologist for interpretation and the report is viewed by Dr. Chadda.

The typical vascular ultrasound takes about 30 to 45 minutes to complete.

What to expect from vascular ultrasound results

A vascular ultrasound is performed for many reasons, including to detect blockages, blood clots, and aneurysms. In some cases, it may be performed to check the success of a previous procedure, or to see whether a blood vessel is a good candidate for grafting. 

If you have symptoms such as chest pain, or have heart disease, your provider may perform a vascular ultrasound to check for plaque buildup in your arteries. 

Your provider may use a vascular ultrasound if you have varicose veins, to determine the extent of your varicose veins and the best treatment approach. Once Dr. Chadda has your results, your provider will discuss the findings with you and determine the next steps. 

Vascular ultrasound is a safe and well-tolerated procedure. During your initial consultation, your provider will discuss the diagnostic process and determine if a vascular ultrasound is appropriate for you.

To learn more about vascular ultrasound, call or send a message to one of our offices to schedule an appointment. We have offices in Hudson, Brooksville, and Land O’ Lakes, Florida and offer in-person and telehealth appointments.

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