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What to do About Spider Veins on Your Face

What to do About Spider Veins on Your Face

Spider veins on your face can be frustrating, especially if they make you feel self-conscious. These small, visible veins often appear as red, blue, or purple lines just beneath the skin’s surface. While they're generally harmless, spider veins can impact your appearance and, in turn, your confidence. Fortunately, there are effective treatments to address them. Here at Advanced Heart & Vascular Associates, we provide treatment to permanently eliminate spider veins and varicose veins

Why do I have spider veins?

Spider veins form when the tiny blood vessels under your skin become dilated or damaged. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including genetics, sun exposure, aging, hormonal changes, and even certain lifestyle factors such as smoking or excessive alcohol use. Some people are more prone to spider veins than others, and while they are more common in older individuals, even younger adults can develop them.

Treatment options for facial spider veins

Sclerotherapy is one of the most effective ways to treat spider veins on your face. This minimally invasive treatment involves injecting a medical adhesive into the affected veins. The treatment causes them to collapse. With time, the body absorbs them.

While sclerotherapy is commonly associated with larger veins in the legs, it can also be used for facial spider veins. However, when treating the face, the choice of treatment depends on the size and location of the veins. Our vascular team will carefully evaluate you and recommend the best approach. Laser therapy is another option often considered for facial spider veins, as it uses targeted laser energy to heat and collapse the veins without the need for injections.

It’s essential to consult with a specialist who has experience treating facial spider veins, as the face requires a more delicate approach compared to other areas of the body. At our offices in Brooksville and Hudson, Florida, vascular specialist Dr. Nader Chadda has extensive experience treating spider veins. 

What about varicose veins?

If you have larger varicose veins in other areas, such as your legs, our team can recommend treatment for those, as well. While spider veins are usually a cosmetic concern, varicose veins can cause discomfort, pain, and swelling. 

VenaSeal and ClosureFast are two minimally invasive procedures that treat larger varicose veins. VenaSeal uses a medical adhesive to close the affected vein, while ClosureFast employs radiofrequency energy to heat and seal the vein shut. Both treatments cause the body to reroute blood through healthier veins, eliminating the problematic varicose veins and improving circulation.

If you have both spider veins and larger varicose veins, it’s a good idea to address them together. Treating both types of veins not only improves the appearance of your skin but also improves vascular health.

What to expect during treatment

Treating spider veins, whether with sclerotherapy or laser therapy, is typically a quick and straightforward process. We perform spider vein treatment in-office, and it’s our top priority to keep you comfortable throughout the treatment. 

You might experience a slight stinging sensation during the treatment, but this usually subsides quickly. After the procedure, our team will provide aftercare instructions to ensure optimal results.

For facial spider veins, you can expect some redness or mild swelling after treatment, but these side effects typically resolve within a few days. The veins will gradually fade over time, and you’ll likely notice significant improvement within a few weeks.

If you receive treatment for varicose veins in other areas with VenaSeal or ClosureFast, these treatments also offer minimal downtime and quick recovery. Most patients can resume normal activities within a day or two.

Eliminate spider veins today

If you're ready to explore your options or have questions about the best treatment plan for you, our team is here to help. Give us a call or send a message to schedule a consultation for spider vein treatment, and take the first step toward achieving clearer skin.

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