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Why is My Leg Swelling So Much?

Why is My Leg Swelling So Much?

Leg swelling, or edema, is often a sign that something is affecting your circulatory system. At Advanced Heart & Vascular Associates in Hudson and Brooksville, Florida, our experienced team specializes in diagnosing and treating various cardiovascular conditions, with the goal of preventing complications and improving your quality of life.

Leg swelling isn’t something to ignore, especially if it’s significant. Whether you have a cardiovascular condition or are completely unsure of the cause, it’s wise to have your leg swelling evaluated. 

Stages of edema

Our team manages patients with various stages of edema. The goal is always to diagnose complications such as edema early to slow the progression. Below are the stages for heart failure-related edema. It serves as a reliable source for our team to track the progression and apply an appropriate treatment plan. 

Edema typically happens when heart failure progresses. It’s vital for patients with significant swelling to come in for an evaluation right away.

Common causes of leg swelling

Various cardiovascular problems can cause leg swelling. Here are the four most common. 

Congestive heart failure

In patients with cardiovascular issues, congestive heart failure (CHF) is the most common cause of leg swelling. In heart failure, fluid backs up in the veins as a result of the heart struggling to pump blood efficiently. 

If you have CHF, it’s common to experience shortness of breath, fatigue, and rapid weight gain, in addition to edema.  Early diagnosis is essential to managing heart failure and lowering the risk of complications. 

Chronic venous insufficiency

Chronic venous insufficiency is another common issue the Advanced Heart & Vascular Associates team manages. 

When you have CVI, the veins in your legs struggle to return blood to your heart. As a result, blood pools in the lower extremities, causing the legs to swell and feel heavy and achy, especially in the evening. It’s estimated that CVI affects more than 25 million US adults.


Diseases of the heart muscle that impair its capacity to pump blood are referred to as cardiomyopathies. A common type of cardiomyopathy called dilated cardiomyopathy can cause fluid to build up in the legs, abdomen, and lungs.

Early management is crucial, as untreated cardiomyopathy can lead to heart failure.

Pulmonary hypertension

High blood pressure can impact the lungs, and when it does, it’s called pulmonary hypertension. This increased pressure causes the right side of the heart to work harder, which can lead to fluid buildup in the legs and feet. Pulmonary hypertension is typically linked to  other heart or lung problems.

If you have pulmonary hypertension, you may have additional symptoms such as chest pain, fatigue, and shortness of breath. 

Managing leg swelling

Effective edema treatment starts with an evaluation to determine the underlying cause. Advanced Heart & Vascular Associates uses advanced diagnostic tools, including ultrasounds, to evaluate blood flow and identify venous or lymphatic issues. 

For patients with CVI, treatments like compression therapy or minimally invasive vein procedures can help improve circulation and reduce swelling.

If cardiovascular conditions like CHF are contributing to your symptoms, our team creates a personalized care plan to manage your heart health and overall circulation.

Seeking care for leg swelling

Without proper treatment, severe leg swelling can lead to serious health complications. Don’t put off getting appropriate management. If you’re experiencing unexplained leg swelling, call or message Advanced Heart & Vascular Associates to schedule an evaluation today. 

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